
The Alumnae Association of St. Joseph’s College bears the happy burden of its bygone years which mirrors the burgeoning achievements of the College.  The Alumnae replenished with the immaculate legacy of light, life and love has branched out in to distant lands and all walks of life with brilliant brains and gentle hearts. Their growing strength and the glory they reap testify in ample measure the towering existence of the Alma Mater- a beacon to all womanhood and there by mankind at large.

The Alumnae Association of St Joseph’s College, ‘ST JOSEPHS ALUMNI’ (Reg No: TSR/TC/283/2018) is registered as a Charitable Society under the Travancore Cochin Literary, Scientific And Charitable Societies Registration Act XII of 1995. The Principal of the College, Dr. Sr. Ligy V K  is the Chairperson of the society and Mrs. Mayalaxmi K P is the President. The Society functions effectively with the support of Mrs. Sumina M S, the Secretary and Sr. Fainy PJ, the Treasurer.

College offers an opportunity for all outgoing students to be the  members of alumnae association. Membership fee is Rs.200 /-.

Association Activities

  • The annual get-together of the Alumnae is held every year on 26th January.
  • The Alumnae association publishes a Newsletter, DOMUS JOSFITE which acts as a link between the former students and the Alma –mater.
  • The Alumnae association has instituted ‘Best Alumnae Award’ in order to recognize the meritorious achievements of the members.
  • Every year as a part of the Annual Alumnae Meet, the association conducts a cultural fest during which various cultural programmes by the alumnae and their children are performed.
  • The Association is committed to extend wholehearted support to all other clubs and associations in the college towards any essential social cause.
  • In addition to The Annual General body meeting, Department-wise meetings of the Alumnae are also arranged once or twice in a year.
  • The association has formed an International Chapter and two other chapters exclusively for the UAE and other regions in the Gulf.
  • It has instituted a number of student scholarships and endowments.
  • It organizes Interdisciplinary regional, national and international seminars, webinars and workshops on Career guidance, Emerging technology, Gender equality, Vlogging, entrepreneurship, Reading week, Soft skill developments and Research methodology.
  • It conducts online orientation for the freshers
  • It has designed a new certificate programme:’Bloom- ‘from being to becoming’ to develop various skills.
  • It is greatly Involved in relief and rehabilitation works during flood
  • Various members of the association launches musical and video compilations suitable to the occasion
  • Alumnae give voluntary participation in audio library for the blind as a social commitment.
  • The association conducts photography and drawing competitions
  • It organises online meet ups and ‘Guruvandanam’- honouring teachers on 5th September
  • It honours achievers in their professional field
  • The association members extend moral support and encouragement to one another as means of women empowermen

Alumnae Executive Committee

  • Dr. Sr. Siji P D (Chairman)

  • Ms. Tessy Varghese (President)

  • Ms. Elizabeth Paul C ( Secretary )

  • Sr. Lija P G ( Treasurer )

  • Ms. Shakeela C B ( Vice President )

  • Ms. Girija K K ( Joint Secretary )

  • Sr. Viji K P ( Executive Member )

  • Ms. Shajitha Basheer ( Executive Member )

  • Ms. Vasanathi Suresh ( Executive Member )

  • Ms. Nicy Babu ( Executive Member )

  • Ms. Madhu C A ( Executive Member )

St. Joseph’s College alumnae can be contacted at the email: [email protected]

Student Corner