Innovation Centre

St Joseph’s nurture its young firms like a baby, to grow into the paths of success. With non-profit motives and as a support system, the departments takes care of the incubation centre to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of the students. It is a way adopted by the college to ensure that the students are trained to become job creators rather than job seekers.

The students through the incubation centre are taught to gain hands-on experience through their innovative ideas. The creative ideas are taken forward by the college to promote entrepreneurial temperament among the future youth population. The centre takes care of the field action projects for capacity development and engages the students to create a world of opportunities.

Incubation centre is a place where the dreams of the students meet reality. The centre builds the bridge between the vision and the resources by providing proper infrastructure and network engagements. The centre is also responsible for conducting training programs, mentorship, feedback, awareness creation, and finding funding opportunities.

The college is accountable for the student’s basic knowledge about the geographical indication, IPR, patent concepts, and procedure of filing the patents at the national and international level. The Intellectual Property Right Cell on the campus advises the students about the trademark and Copyrights Brand name. In a challenging world of plagiarism and patents, St Joseph’s College is liable of informing the students about the new additions in Research and Development.

The cell that works under a strong team of researchers promotes innovation and unique research culture built on individual exploration. The students are encouraged to turn up with their unique innovations, ideas, and ventures to protect it under the IPR. The ideas and uniqueness of the students are transformed as a value-added product in the market to process it for social and commercial viability. The cell takes care of the rights of the transforming industry and encourages the students to explore the scope of quality research in education. The cell also ascertains to foster human values and collaborations through research and innovation.

‘Learning by doing’ is the main motto behind the entrepreneurship club of St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda. It aspires and paves way for the young and creative minds of the college for entering into the quickly expanding world of entrepreneurs. The club was formed under the inspiration of the Scheme developed by the State Government’s Department of Industries and Commerce in association with the Educational Department, that aspires to develop and inculcate a “entrepreneurship Culture” among the Youth. The club focuses on polishing and refining the entrepreneurial skills of the students by giving them a workable space with ample opportunities and possible support for initiating a feasible start-up project. Regular orientation programs, awareness sessions and motivational classes are organised with the aim of directing student potentials towards a self-created and independent career.  The club has been functioning actively attracting higher number of students every year towards the opportunistic world of entrepreneurship.

‘Systematically foster a culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions’ is the vision envisaged by the Ministry of Education for developing and supporting innovation ecosystem in all campuses. St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda has a vibrant and active Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) established to bring this vision into a reality.  The council functions to encourage, aspire and nurture students for activities related to innovation, IPR, start-up and entrepreneurships while they are in the formative years in the campus. Competitions, motivational classes, interactions with professionals and support for start-ups are some of the major activities of the IIC. It also plays a significant role in preparing the college for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework (ARIIA) procedures.  The advanced technological facilities available in the college further provide the faculty and students with the appropriate environment for nurturing their innovative entrepreneurial ideas.

The Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC) has designed the Young Innovators Program with the aim of empowering future innovators to innovate new products, services or models to meet emerging requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs of the society more effectively through an innovative challenge. St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda supports this endeavour through its well-established YIP unit functioning in the college. The well-organised unit has dedicated crew of faculty and students that prepare the students to accept this challenge offered by the State Government. This aids in developing an innovative ecosystem that identifies and supports the students in their futuristic entrepreneurial aspirations assisted by the institutional technological advancements and offering them with a pliable opening for a bright and innovative career path.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) is a flagship initiative of Kerala Start-up Mission to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among the student and academic fraternity in the educational institutions in the State of Kerala and considered as an umbrella programme that would play an instrumental role in fostering innovation culture in Academic institutions. St. Joseph’s College, (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda takes enthusiastic part in this initiative through its IEDC unit functioning in the campus. The club organises motivational and interactive classes with the entrepreneurs of the age for the developing a viable plan to launch their entrepreneurial journeys. The institution shows its wholehearted support in this initiative through its state-of-art technological assistance, high-quality mentorship and unbeatable exposure to the real-life experiences through its association with other clubs and organisations. This certainly gives matchless confidence and the experience to learn, collaborate and transform their innovative ideas into prototypes of viable products and services.


  • To encourage innovative entrepreneurial culture among the students of the campus
  • To identify and promote commercially beneficial products and solutions by the students
  • To promote enterprise among budding technopreneurs and thereby creating more employment opportunities
  • To bridge the gap between Industry and Academia
  • To support innovative student ideas through Grants and aspire other students into the same