Best Practices

Education serves its best purpose when it can empower individuals with the knowledge of right from the wrong. As an educational institution, we focus on imparting an educational system that can help our students to decipher not just the right thing to do but also the best that they can do to safeguard their environment. It is rightly said that the environment and the economy are related and act as two sides of the same coin. If we cannot save our environment, we cannot save our economy. Therefore, in order to provide a worthwhile learning and growing environment for our students, we create opportunities where they can practise their environmental commitments through our AMPLE method of green initiatives of the college:

A- Add to the existing resources,

M- Maintain the existing resources,

P- Preserve the nature,

L- Lead by example and

E- Extract only the needful.

Supplementing this method, the college is involved in specific and meaningful environmental supportive activities that become a part of the academic schedule making it a habit more than a duty for our students. St. Joseph’s College is delighted and ever motivated to continue its green initiatives with the hopes of witnessing a greener and a better world for the upcoming generations to live in.

Beyond the campus environmental promotional activities

St Joseph’s College has always taken up a proactive role in initiating environmental promotional activities as an attempt to foster environmental awareness among the students. NSS, NCC, Alumnae and the various departments of the college are the key platforms through which countless programmes like Nature camps, awareness classes, exhibitions and national and international webinars are organized beyond the campus where the scholars are provided with unparalleled opportunities to rediscover and explore the nature around them.

Observance of International Days

The different departments of the college, along with NSS and NCC, has observed the World Environment Day each year by coordinating activities like planting saplings in the campus, nature walk, rallies, paper pen making, awareness campaigns and competitions like Power Point Presentation, Painting and Poster Making. Other days like Ozone Day, World Tigers Day, International Nature Conservation Day, Nagasaki day, Earth Day and Kisan Divas were also celebrated by organizing different activities that would instill a sense of duty to conserve the environment in the minds of the students.

Nature Camps and Visits

The institution organized numerous field visits and nature camps which are the most exciting and educating activities for the students. Department of Zoology has organized nature camps at Vazhachal and Vallakkadavu forest range which included trekking through the forest and bird watching. A nature friendly trip to Paniyeli Poru organized by the Reasearch Department of Commerce, Study trip to Bhoothathankettu by Department of Business Administration, Field visit and trekking programme to the forest area of Dhoni, Palakkad by Department of Microbiology and Forensic Science are other programmes that helped the students to be cognizant about the nature and develop an ecofriendly attitude.

New Initiatives

St Joseph’s college encourages novel initiatives by providing platforms to launch experimental projects. The startup programme, ‘Femella’- a biodegradable sanitary napkin, organized by the department of Zoology, ‘Poovukalku Punyakalam’ – an exhibition under the leadership of the department of Malayalam, ‘Green @Commerce’ – an initiative by the research Department of Commerce, an environment protection awareness project called ‘Haritham’ by the Alumnae Association are few among the many programmes initiated by the different departments of the college.

Together With the State and the Nation

St Joseph’s college hosted the inauguration of the Police Orchestra as a part of the agricultural promotion of the Haritha Keralam Misson, of Kerala government. As part of the project, NCC cadets of Joseph’s College, took part in the cleaning session of Irinjalakuda Municipal Bus Stand. They organised various activities under Swatch Bharath Mission and Swachtha Pakhwada launched by the Government of India. NCC Unit and Kerala Forest and Wildlife Department at Athirappilly Vazhachal region set an awareness campaign to teach students about the steps they should take to prevent forest fires from breaking out. NSS initiated the launch of Blue Army as a part of ‘Jalarasha Jeevaraksha’ water conservation project aiming the conservation of water by ensuring the participation of students from schools and Colleges in the Thrissur district.

The college strongly sticks to the notion that the ability of an individual is measured in terms of the talents and potentials that can only be visible if there is a welcoming platform for showcasing them.  St. Josephs College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda is an all-inclusive educational setting where students are viewed based upon their strengths and additionally creates an environment to overcome the limitations that drags them back in enjoying the pleasures of learning. The college understands that accommodating physically challenged students can be challenging yet we are convinced that this is one of the best ways of supporting the upliftment of our society. Our efforts for developing a disabled friendly campus can be branched into two:

  • Technology facilitated: The college has endeavoured in adopting the latest disabled friendly software and devices that can optimise and meet the learning needs of the students with special needs. From the ICT enabled classroom teaching to technologically advanced reading facilities in the library, the college has sought the accompaniment of technology in all walks of its travel.
  • Infrastructure facilities: The infrastructural amenities play a significant role in making the learning experience of the challenged students more contented. Ramps, wheelchairs, elevators and supporting handle bars facilitate the movement of the mobility challenged students in the premises. The major venues for functions and events are all located in the ground floors of the college buildings enabling complete participation of the students. The campus, its classrooms and corridors are well-lit and has legible sign boards that can direct the students to the desired direction without wandering. Disabled friendly washrooms are another highlight of the infrastructural support system.

Though the efforts are primarily directed towards these two aspects, the college ascertains that the students simultaneously are provided with an enriched academic life in the campus. Therefore, the provision of scribes during examination and extra time for completion of examination are options that they can easily avail in the campus. Our faculty and students are regularly sensitised on the different needs of the challenged students instilling in them a sense of belongingness and care where they learn to grow and also let others grow.

Campus Campus Connect attempts to establish collaborations and linkages with other higher education institutions and agencies. These are established for curricular enrichment, internship, on-the-job training, professional development, research, Consultancy academic extension faculty exchange etc. these occasions have been common platforms for interactions between experts, research scholars and students.

The Computing resource bay addresses an array of general student support services like computing, word-processing, reprography, printing, communication etc. In addition, the centre offers short-term sessions beyond college hours in general computer instruction or programming languages associated with Information Technology to update computing skills or reinforce existing ones. Regardless of their optional, students can visit the Computing Center for assistance in computing-related questions or course work. Students are always encouraged to join computer progression courses at the time of admission, so that they can qualify themselves in computer education, along with the completion of the degree course. It assists students also with writing projects that include class writing assignments, personal statements, resumes and cover letters, and creative writing. A full time qualified consultant is available for students seeking help at any point in the writing process: brainstorming, developing a thesis, organizing, revising, using sources, and editing.

In an attempt to realize the vision and the mission of the institution in letter and spirit, the college has formulated a three year long tag-on programme called – Higher Focus Course (H F C). The programme, administered over the entire period of the bachelor degree, is a package of multiple skills ranging from two and four-wheel driving to Ethics and Spirituality sessions. The Programme includes even a module on self-defense. In detail, the programme provides a wide variety of training components including yoga, spoken English, Family guidance, social service and value orientation. The programme aims at the final finishing and polishing process which the girls are badly inneed of as they sail out of the institution to the rough tides of life’s challenges. Certificates are issued to those who successfully complete the course at the end of their first degree programme.

The practice “Faculty @ Student’s Homes” is based on the concept that ideal families will provide for a happy nation. The various socio, economic and cultural contexts that the students belong to shape their academic life and progress. Many ailments that afflict society today, is the result of broken families. Family problems adversely affect the student’s performance and scheme of life.

Teachers are encouraged to visit all their students at their homes at least once in the time span of their academic studies in the college (UG- 3years, PG-2 years). About one-third of the houses are visited per year by the faculty.House visits enable the teacher to assess the student individually and provide necessary remedial action be it financial assistance or professional guidance.

There are two trained counselors at the Darsana Counseling Centre to which the students and their family members are directed if it is found that they need professional assistance.

Financial assistance is provided to meet the expenses for the medical treatment of student/parent, purchase of study books, tour programmes etc.

Feedback on this healthy practice is very positive both from the students and their parents. There is marked progress in the overall performance of the students visited at home. The students are motivated to perform better in their studies and also develop interpersonal skills. There is considerable reduction in the dropout and failure rates.

‘The Green Campus, Clean Campus’ practice has now been expanded into a larger umbrella, ‘Learn With Nature’, incorporating the initiatives of the Nature and Biodiversity Clubs and encouraging students to go beyond the campus for green and clean drives. Trains students to become protectors of Nature, and make a difference to the endangered Planet Earth. Promotes awareness on environmental issues like climate change, deforestation, energy depletion, water scarcity, waste accumulation, etc. Translates classroom – knowledge into life – application. Sets up a clean environment for healthy living. Complies with the initiative of the government, and participate in the nation – building process. Environment has also been made a part of the curriculum since the implementation of autonomy, whereby students are offered short – term certificate courses for add-on education.
  • The institution maintains a checklist of the following:
    • Consumption of electricity and Solar Energy in the campus
    • Integration of measures for renewable energy and conservation of energy
    • Usage of Rainwater Harvesting System
    • Facility information such as number of users and functions
    • Feedback mechanism from facility users
    • Conduct of green audit (Water, energy, waste management, green) with internal and registered external agency
  • Cionscientisation talks & seminars are conducted with the assistance of experts and resource persons
  • Environment related activities, cleaning campaigns are organized by associations like NSS, Nature Club, Biodiversity club, Department Associations etc.
  • Planting and greening drives are undertaken
  • Active participation in the Swatch Bharat, Save Energy Campaigns and the Haritha Keralam Project of the Kerala Govt.
  • Release of the manuscript ‘Haritha’ & ‘Thusharam’
  • De-plasticised campus where use  of plastic bags, cups and plates are restricted
  • Campus divided into Zones and entrusted to various departments for cleaning and greening
  • Green Campus with fruit trees, ornamental plants, medicinal garden, botanical garden, & space for cultivation of crops and organic farming
  • Celebration of World Environment Day, World Forest Day, Wetland Day, Ozone Day & Clean – up Days
  • Production and sale of bio-control agents, bio – pesticides, & bio – fertilizers
  • Distribution of Paper Bags
  • Composting
  • Mushroom Cultivation from wastes
  • Timely disposal of all types of waste after sorting biodegradable and non- biodegradable wastes
  • Solar energy upgradation
  • A Green Brigade has been set up for active Nature Club members
  • Celebration of environment protection week every year with activities like seminars, poster competition, Elocution, awareness programs about the importance of conservation of air, water, soil, ecosystem etc.
  • A course on Environment protection is offered to the 3rd & 4th semester students.
  • URVARA – a project of organic farming , Plantain @ Home program and Save Energy Campaign by the NSS Volunteers

Best Practice 1-SPARC – Skill oriented Programmes for Acquiring and Refining Capability

In world that reveres skill more than bookish knowledge, St. Joseph’s College has created a space for the students polish and sharpen their skills for hunting down the best occupational opportunity. The SPARC initiative of the college emerged with the objective of identifying and guiding the students across their potentials making them future-ready by developing and equipping themselves with the right set of skills.  The influence of this practice is widespread through several extended domains like:

Preserving Memories -Archival @ MRPC (Manuscript Research and Preservation Centre)

Freezing time through preservation techniques of manuscripts is a skill efficiently taught for the students aspiring to enter into the highly paid field of conservation and documenting.

Chemistry In Service of Common Man (CISCOM)

Where students are encouraged to develop their entrepreneurial and social commitment skills through the production and sale of several beneficial household chemicals like detergents, soaps, sanitizers, cleaners etc.

Zoo Arena

student efforts are invested and directed towards development of Apiculture in the campus making them more sensitised on ecological chain and the preservation of nature.


 A culmination of the smartness in technology with the wonders of biology that offering opportunities for the students to be closely connected with the environment through waste management techniques of vermicomposting, mushroom culture, bio-control agent production etc.

 E- Bazar

Commercializing the creative hands of our students offering them platforms for developing their entrepreneurial skills in the production and sale of handicrafts.

UJWALAN-Realizing Energy Efficiency in campus activities

Apart from the add on course of ‘Maintenance of electronic and electrical equipments’, students are trained to try their hands at production and sale of LED serial bulb sets, LED tube lights, LED star lights etc.

Skill Development in Calculation and Analysis

A complete solution for addressing the highly demanded skills for cracking competitive examinations and jobs that require analytical and high-speed calculation skills.

 Fashion Model Training

This initiative by the Department of Costume and Fashion Designing effortlessly turns the world into a ramp for the students to showcase their attained skills through personality development and grooming sessions.


Language, media and presentation skills are combined for incorporating the essence of journalism and offers a podium for the students to snip out the journalist in them.


Incident Process-Focused Group Discussion on social tribulations: This program ensures competence in social work, which can escalate confidence in students and help them analyse cases, understand clients, create interventions, predict intervention results and evaluate outcomes.

 Y We Com (Young Women Entrepreneurs of Commerce)

This initiative inspires the students to become successful entrepreneurs through various pursuits like ‘Meet the Wo Preneur’, Industrial visits, Exhibition cum sale enabling them to act as torch bearers of prominent Enterprises.

Best Practice II- STEPS – STRETCH THYSELF TO ENLIGHTEN THE PEOPLE AND SOCIETY – A campus community connect initiative

Education leads to the overall development of the individual and St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda inspired with this motto as its mission has classified yet another attempt as its best practice -STEPS. This initiative aims to provide remarkable contributions to society through much needed support and proper assistance to the vulnerable and the downtrodden, thereby addressing their socio-economic problems in the most befitting manner. Through this, the students develop a sense of social and environmental consciousness that can drive them along their future endeavours as responsible citizens of the world. The practice is broadly implemented through four strategical moves:

  • Community Service
  • Environmental Protection and Conservation
  • Proactive citizens
  • Conscientization and Capacity Building

Connecting the campus to the community is a bond that serves manifold benefits as well as challenges on its way to fulfilment. The college is proud of its accomplishments in this community connect practice with the results speaking in volumes of the success of the initiative and we believe that the accomplishments demand the true manifestations of the desired objectives through the restoration of a pure social value system among its practitioners.

Community Service

Kerala has been in a state of crisis during the past few years with natural disasters and pandemics knocking its door every once and then. The students involved in this practice of community service played a crucial role in transforming the frown of the victims to smiles of endurance during this era of distress. The college was able to garner not just the student community but also other associations and units of the institution thereby spreading a message of humanity, social values and commitment to the society at large. Opportunities in sustaining a healthy community through student volunteered medical camps and community awareness programs also became a part and parcel of this campus social activity.

Environmental Protection and Conservation

 Appropriate actions are taken up to protect the environment by a three-pong process of recycling, reusing and composting. Envisaging the beauty of environment conservation for a healthy society, the college indulged in attempts like distribution of tree sapling, plastic free campaigns, awareness classes and a lot more other activities that conveyed the notions of respect and the need for preservation of the environment to the students making them more sensible in the use of resource and helped them become ambassadors of environmental protection.

Proactive citizens

A challenging activity ensued by the college for imparting the realization of civic duties among our students. So far, the college has proven successful in its attempts through financial, physical and relief support during the natural calamities like Okhi cyclone, Kerala Floods, the recent Covid-19 pandemic and for imparting a responsible traffic behaviour through awareness sessions on traffic rules. True patriotic sense was effortlessly instilled among the students by encouraging them to enrol in the Indian Army by the studious and inspirational functioning of the NSS and NCC units of the college.

Conscientization and Capacity Building

 A growing mind needs constant support and guidance to develop into a healthy and matured personality. The college offers several skill enhancement and personality development sessions for the students to envisage on a fearless hunt in the wild world of employment. They are nurtured into self-confident and empowered individuals through ample opportunities of counselling and mentoring facilities in the college that turn them capable of handling inevitable failures that lurk in their journey to success.

St. Joseph’s college always strives to uplift the community encircled along with its institutional development. Setting the main goal as ‘women empowerment’, it also aids in societal advancement. The college is committed to figurine out a generation who would take an active role in social activities serving the needs of the community in every crisis. Hence, the college initiated a platform called ‘Jossine Reach’ which aims to give remarkable contributions to society through supporting, assisting, and uplifting vulnerable groups. It is a social service wing of St. Joseph’s college, which is committed to addressing the problems and needs of the marginalized sections of society despite their caste, creed, community, and gender and also looks forward to ensuring sustainable development.The ‘Jossine reach’ has been addressing the needs and living conditions of women and men rebuilding and protecting what’s left of natural resources and the biodiversity within our ecosystems,providing community health support throughout pandemic situations through various activities, supporting affected people from natural calamities like flood, landslides and focuses on the common good by providing conscientization and trainings for capacity building.

The major intervention areas of Jossine reach are:
• Environmental Protection and Conservation
• Gender Sensitization and Mainstreaming
• Community Health
• Disaster Response and Pandemic Mitigation
• Civic Responsibility
• Conscientization and Capacity Building

It also provides on the psycho-social support for students by giving counselling sessions on both academics and non-academic matters. Jossine Reach thus acts as a boosting platform of St.Joseph’s College for students as well as community.

Jossine Reach