
B.SC. Botany

B.Sc. in Botany is an undergraduate programme of six semesters which is completed in three years. The course is affiliated with University of Calicut with Chemistry and Zoology as complementary subjects. Botany is one of the broadest sciences as it includes the study of the ,variety of plants, their interaction with the environment, and complexity of processes occurring within them. Through this program, we provide key concepts of Biosciences, including those on essential molecules, genes, cells, genetic engineering, Plant biotechnology, Bioinformatics  Biostatistics, etc. Focus on topics like taxonomy, environmental biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, ethology , kingdom Plantae etc. This will help the students to learn to conserve and care for plant life  and environment they are living in. Field studies, visit to research stations. Hands own training in various techniques like horticulture, nursery managemet and nature camps are an integral part of imparting knowledge. Botany practicals  are a vital component of the core course. B.Sc. in Botany can pave the way for students to take up employment opportunities in the educational sector, pharmaceutical enterprises agriculture-related companies etc. They have scope in Indian Forest Service, plant biodiversity research, wildlife conservation, environment management, monitoring of ecosystems, various plant-based research institutions, etc. They can also opt for higher studies in Botany. Students with more than 55% in higher secondary level are eligible for this course. Because of the vast biodiversity of plants is available in our state study of botany program has immense scope for doing research.

Status  :  Regular


2016 Admission onwards 

2018 Admission onwards

2019 Admission onwards

2020 Admission onwards

PO, PSO,CO of course  click here

Course SystemSemester
No. of Seats36
Course TypeAided
EligibilityPlus Pwo
DurationThree Years
StatusRegular Botany (Self Finance)

The Post-Graduate Course began in the year 2014. It is a 2 year  postgraduate degree programme.The Students will  be able to interpret the plant life through  various perspectives and  the relationship of the plant kingdom with the environment.The programme develops skills in various fields like microbial techniques, cultivation  and identification of plants, preparation  of  biofertilizers, handling of instruments and research skills.. By accquiring knowledge, students could be competent enough to face the competitive exams at national /state level (UGC-NET, CSIR/ SET etc.) and academic excellence with an aptitude for higher studies and research. In addition, the programme develops scientific tools to facilitate the students to design and carryout the biological experiments and to interpret data to give meaningful solution and recommendations. The specialization of PG programme in Genetic engineering and Environmental biology and biodiversity conservation. By applying the acquired scientific knowledge, students could give solutions to lead a healthy life, protect the environment.

MSc Botany Syllabus 2020(onwards)

MscBotany Syllabus 2019

MSc Botany Syllabus 2018

MSc Botany Syllabus 2017

MSc Botany Syllabus 2016

PO, PSO,CO of course  click here

Course SystemSemester
No. of Seats12
Course TypeSelf-Financing
EligibilityBSc Botany
DurationTwo Years

Integrated Biology Programme

Integrated M.Sc biology programme is a five year programme under choice based credit and semester system. This is the first ever MSc Integrated Biology course offered by a women’s college under the University of Calicut. The Syllabus of the Foundation Programme aims to inculcate and develop scientific research temper among students. Since this programme covers the entire CSIR syllabus, the students after completing this course can clear various national and international level competitive exams and grab a bright carrier with international standards.  The programme follows language reduced patterns with  General courses; Biochemistry, Environmental science and water management, Biotechnology and Genetics. The core courses include Biomolecules, Ecology biodiversity and conservation biology, Principles of taxonomy and Research methodology, Physiology, Molecular biology and Bioinformatics, Cell biology, Developmental biology, Microbiology, Evolutionary biology, Immunology and the Elective core courses include Drug design and gene therapy, stem cell and regenerative medicine, Cancer biology. The complementary courses for the programme are Statistics and Chemistry which will also help the students in analyzing the data during their research. This programme helps the students to understand and develop technical skills in biological science especially biochemistry, biotechnology, bioinformatics and biostatistics. Since this field is an application oriented field, focus is also given in providing practical knowledge by conducting various laboratory experiments.

The syllabus focuses on realist approach whereby application of theoretical concepts is imparted with substantial coverage of practical and field works. The attempt is to prepare the students for lifelong learning by drawing attention to the vast world of knowledge in various branches of Biology.

Syllabus 2020 onwards click here

PSO AND CO click here

Certificate Courses

Certificate Course in E commerce

E Commerce, is a one-year diploma course designed for under graduate students to present managerial perspective of the broad study on the introduction of E commerce and theunderlying used technologies involved in the sharing of business information,maintain business relationships and transactions by means of telecommunication networks. E-Commerce can be conducted through various applications like email,online catalogs & shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and other web services. The broad objective of the programme is to prepare Graduates for productive careers incorporate sector, govt. organisations etc, An eCommerce certificationis highly recommend for an .  e Commerce marketor digital marketing specialist.

Syllabus  Click here

Certificate Course in Mushroom cultivation 

Mushrooms have always been prominent among the delicious table dishes of mankind from very ancient days onwards.At present ,the collection ,cultivation, consumption and storage of edible mushrooms are a common practice.A mushroom is the fleshy,spore bearing fruiting body of a fungus ,typically produced above ground ,on soil, or on it’s food source.Mushrooms are healthy, nutritious and have some medicinal properties too.Mushroom cultivation can be a very interesting hobby that could easily become a profitable small business due to the low cost of inputs and high value of the crops.

Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in Fibre Extraction and Paper making 

Many of us are conscious of ways we can use resources sustainably, create things ourselves, and value the objects in our lives by making them with our own hands. But we don’t necessarily think of the paper we use on a daily basis and the huge amounts of energy and water consumed by commercial paper mills. When you make paper by hand with plant fibers from your own backyard, you’ll participate in a long-practiced art and connect with plants around you.

Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in Biofertilizers and Biopesticides Production  

India has witnessed massive output in the agriculture sector due to green revolution.The reason behind the awakening of Indian agriculture is due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and biopesticides which are available in moderately cheap rates.The excessive use of these chemicals is a great blow to sustainable agricultural growth.When nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers are being used in large amounts eutrophication and conversion of water bodies into marshy land is the ultimate irradication of pollinators are some of the draw backs of green revolution.Under these circumstances biofertilizers and biopesticides offers great possibilities for efficient use of various resources for increasing agricultural output on a sustainable basis.

Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in DCA                                                                                                        

Dilpoma in Computer application, is a  one year diploma course inthe field of  computer application which involves study of numerous  computer application such as MS Office ,Internet Application,operating system,data base Management system and HTML among other subjects. It ensure a deeper knowledge of the subject as well as will make the student technology friendly.some of the core subjects of this programme are Basic computer skills,MS Office, Internet Basics,E -Business,Trouble shooting.

Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in DCFM

Diploma in computerised Financial management diploma is a six month programme.This programme incorporates the subjects identified with the financial matters based on banking sector and computer technology in order to enhance, simplify and boost the sector.

Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in Hydroponics 

We’re so used to plants growing in fields and gardens that we find anything else completely extra ordinary.But it’s true.Not only will plants grow without soil,they often grow a lot better with their roots in water or very moist air instead.Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture which is a method of growing  plants,usually crops without soil by using mineral solutions in an aqueous solvent.

Hydroponics Syllabus  click here

 Certificate Course in  Aquaponics  

Aquaponics is not only a forward looking food production technology, it also promotes scientific literacy and provides a very good tool for teaching the natural science.Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture,which is growing fish and other aquatic animals and hydroponics which is growing plants without soil.Aquaponics uses these two in a symbiotic combination in which plants are fed with the aquatic animals discharge or waste.In  return, the plants clean the water that goes back to the fish.Along with the fish and their waste, microbes  play an important role to the nutrition of the plants.

Aquaponics Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in Environmental Studies

According to UNESCO,”Environmental education is a way of imlplementing the goals of environmental protection.It is  not a separate branch of science but life long interdisciplinary field of study.It means education towards protection and enhancement of the environment and education as an insturment of development for improving the quality of life of humancommunities.

Syllabus  click here

Certificate Course in Herbal cosmetology and Natural Spa 

The concept of beauty and cosmetics dates back to ancient mankind and civilization. Generally herbal cosmetics are also referred to as natural cosmetics. Herbal cosmetics areformulated, using different cosmetic ingredients to form the base in which one or moreherbal ingredients are used to cure various skin ailments. Plants are highly used for development of new drug products for cosmetics and pharmaceutical applications. Herbalcosmetics are the products in which herbs are used in crude or extract form.

Syllabus  click here

Department of Botany