Faculty @ Students homes

The practice “Faculty @ Student’s Homes” is based on the concept that ideal families will provide for a happy nation. The various socio, economic and cultural contexts that the students belong to shape their academic life and progress. Many ailments that afflict society today, is the result of broken families. Family problems adversely affect the student’s performance and scheme of life.

Teachers are encouraged to visit all their students at their homes at least once in the time span of their academic studies in the college (UG- 3years, PG-2 years). About one-third of the houses are visited per year by the faculty.

House visits enable the teacher to assess the student individually and provide necessary remedial action be it financial assistance or professional guidance.

There are two trained counselors at the Darsana Counseling Centre to which the students and their family members are directed if it is found that they need professional assistance.

Financial assistance is provided to meet the expenses for the medical treatment of student/parent, purchase of study books, tour programmes etc.

Feedback on this healthy practice is very positive both from the students and their parents. There is marked progress in the overall performance of the students visited at home. The students are motivated to perform better in their studies and also develop interpersonal skills. There is considerable reduction in the dropout and failure rates.