
CDRL – Communicable Disease Research Laboratory

Communicable Disease Research Laboratory stands out as one of the leading Research labs of St Joseph’s College under the Directorship of Dr. Aneesh E.M. The Research team of the lab includes a handful of active research members including a National Post Doctoral Fellow, Scientific Officer and 5 PhD Scholars registered at Calicut University under the guideship of Dr. Aneesh leading to 40 publications to our credit. The lab has five major research projects funded by DST, DBT, KSCSTE and UGC.

CDRL has moved far ahead in exploring, harnessing and identifying various biobased products with mosquitocidal, mosquito repellent properties and identified ideal candidates as biopesticides. The lab has also been adept in developing various effective mosquito larvicidal strategies to prevent their propagation in water and thereby preventing the spread of communicable diseases such as dengue, malaria, chikungumya, H1N1 etc. Moreover, research in the contributory role of microbial agents in the control of mosquitoes and associated infections are in full swing of progress at CDRL, which would surely yield promising results to the benefit of disease control.

The lab has also explored wetland bird diversity and reported few new species in the Asian subcontinenet. Apart from this the natural plants with antioxidant, anticancerous properties and biomodulatory role are also investigated. The lab has shown its expertise in isolation and characterisation of bioactive compounds, Phenotypic and genotypic identification of organisms, phylogenetic analysis, Protein isolation and purification techniques, antimicrobial product screening, docking studies, patent analysis and statistical evaluation of experimental data. The various research outcomes of the lab include the biobased mosquito repellent herbal product, phytase supplemented animal feeds, nanocomposite based biopesticides etc.

Thrust Area :Commmunicable Disease Research/ Vector Biology

Guide : Dr. Aneesh E. M.

In Take Capacity : 10

No of Present Research Scholars : 9

Sl.No Details of research scholar Topic  Department   Part /

Full Time

Date of Registration
1. Asha A. V. Diversity and abundance of mosquito species in kole wetlands of Thrissur, Kerala and its susceptibility status to conventional insecticides. Zoology Full time 02-07-2015
2. Lakshmi K. V. Larvicidal efficacy of a few phyto-extract and its synergistic effects with cypermethrin against Aedes aegypti L., a dengue fever vector. Zoology Full time 01-08-2015
3. Fathibi K Diversity, Abundance and Biomass of Zooplankton in relation with Physico-Chemical Parameters of Banasura Sagar Dam, Wayanad-Kerala Zoology Full time 17.08. 2015
4. Anoop kumar. A.N Larvicidal efficacy of a few bioactive compounds from traditionally used medicinal plants and their action on a few target enzymes in Aedes aegypti (L), a dengue fever vector Zoology Full time 08-06-2016
5. Lekshmi Jayakrishnan Diversity and molecular characterisation of gut content in mosquito larvae of Trichur district Zoology Part time  09-06-2016    –
6. Saju K Mathew Diversity of Aquatic insects in Kole Wetlands of Thrissur Zoology Part time 29-10-2014
7. Misvar Allk Study of Herbal Insecticides as means to overcome the development of resistance in Culex quienquifasciatus say a filariasis vector Zoology Part time 02-05-2014
8. Dr. Sharell Rebello Cloning and over expression of thermostable fungal phytase gene (phya) in yeast expression system, pichia pastoris Zoology Post Doctoral Fellow NA
Department of Zoology